mardi 30 juin 2009

Jigga is back - D.O.A

Keitel and Jigga = 2 real brooklynites // lebron and lyor cohen = 2 economic monsters

A Monday @ the Piers

The Piers is a central park look-a-like on 125th and 12 avenue whats really nice is the location , just in front of the Hudson river! Whats even more nice is that soon there will be water taxi to go downtown!!
gotta luv Harlem 4 dat!!

Pic Nic time

macadamia white chocolate cookie-grapefruit for lazy girl-a mix of pasta and meatballs miam!

I luv lemonade and I luv Fairway supermarket

sorry for booboo big thumb...

nike acg nintento

the sun goes to sleep ;-)

Because when you are in Nyc in fact you are all over the world!!!

Nice Brazilian restaurant

Photos taken with an Iphone but the decor was really good

I especially ADORED the hook for my bag lol!!

My mojito was excellent

OK the dishes were small but tasty and I think its the national dish of Brazil, don't remember the name tho


M.J 1958-2009

Even though I live in Harlem where they opened a M.J Tees factory 37 min after it was official the King died, I still can't believe it. Too many of my mum's stories have a M.J hit as soundtrack...

Today for the Michael Jackson tribute @ the Apollo Theatre the line was mad long something like 5 blocks!


my daddy n pics of my family

coconut boy

my fafi room

hi there!!

Well I am a simple girl who likes too many things, fashion, musica (pronounced "mOOziKA"), sneakers, food, everything "they" (that's what Im talking about - the shadow government) put under the term "urban culture", I am a little bit crazy. If  I can share something interesting, funny or whatever through my blog with you guys well... we will both be happy!
10 months ago I relocated myself in the city that DOES sleep, I live in Harlem 10027 and I am 23.

 That's it 4 now